Get Smooth Skin with Advanced Treatments for Spider Veins

Spider veins are common but unlike varicose veins which are quite obvious and cause pain and swelling. Mostly painless, spider veins can still affect your overall appearance and confidence.  This is why most people try to hide them with clothing. It is important that you treat them and the good news is that it is possible to get rid of them even without undergoing surgery. 

Spider veins are a type of venous disease that looks like blue-red spider webs or branches of trees. When the veins close to the top layer of your skin dilate and become more visible, they are called spider veins. More prominent in feet and legs, spider veins usually don’t hurt. However, in extreme cases, they can cause serious health problems such as blood clots. 

Today, there are several treatment options for spider veins. But before we discuss that, it is important to note what causes spider veins.  

What Causes Spider Veins?

Spider veins in the legs occur when the valves inside the blood vessels stop functioning properly and the blood starts pooling.

Veins are responsible for carrying blood back to the heart. To prevent the backflow of blood, the one-way valve in your veins closes once the blood flows through it. When this valve weakens or gets damaged, the blood may struggle to flow in the correct direction, causing it to pool inside in a vein. This can then cause a bulge in the veins over time that further branches out causing spider veins. 

Other than on arms and legs, spider veins may also appear on the face as a result of veins or capillaries bursting. This usually occurs due to excessive sun exposure. 

The problem is more often seen in women than men, and the risk increases as you get older. 

Some of the other factors that may trigger spider veins are:

  • Family history

  • Obesity 

  • Unhealthy lifestyle 

  • Excessive smoking and alcohol intake 

Best Treatments for Spider Veins 

Apart from using ways like compression stockings, you can go for advanced treatments that treat spider veins once and for all and help you experience smooth skin. 

VL-Vascular Treatment

This treatment uses Advanced Fluorescence technology and offers a non-invasive solution that reduces or eliminates the appearance of spider veins. This treatment utilises precise wavelengths that target only the malformed blood vessels below the skin’s surface and cuts off blood supply to it.

Benefits of VL-Vascular treatments:

  • Softens fine lines

  • Tightens pores

  • Reduces the appearance of capillaries 

VL Superior Skin Rejuvenation

This treatment clears up spider veins by performing skin remodelling or skin rejuvenation treatments. The superior skin rejuvenation treatment is often considered a ‘lunchtime procedure’ as it ensures zero downtime and is a virtually painless procedure. 

The technology used in this treatment creates micro-injuries in various depths of the epidermis. This in turn triggers the skin’s healing process that includes the regrowth of young and healthy collagen fibres. 

Benefits of VL superior skin rejuvenation treatment:

  • Reduces pigmentation

  • Reduces redness

  • Virtually painless

VL-Pigmentation Treatment

VL-Pigmentation treatment again uses the AFT. It works by targeting the melanin in the darkened areas of the skin and then dispersing it. The tiny fragments of pigment clear up with natural processes. This process clears all of the layers of the skin of pigmentation. 

Benefits of VL-Pigmentation treatment:

  • Suitable for all skin types and tones

  • Reduces blood vessels 

  • Rejuvenates skin 

If you are looking for professional help for treating your spider veins, visit You By Sia today. We are a renowned laser skincare clinic in Australia that provides over-the-top treatments for all skin conditions. We conduct a deep study of your skin and then advise a suitable treatment. You can contact us at (02) 8806 0675 or drop an email at

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